Can you name the movie where a guy places a bet on the Lakers while sitting in his bathtub?

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6 months ago

I clearly remember watching this scene in a movie where the central character places a bet on the Los Angeles Lakers while relaxing in his bathtub. The backdrop of this scene is pretty luxurious and he seems fairly nonchalant about the whole matter, making the call from his bathroom of all places. I just can’t recall the title of this movie, and that’s where I’m hoping this forum can help.

Now, I do remember that it’s not a very old movie; it was released sometime in the last 15 years or so. I also recall that it was a thriller of some sort with a gambling subplot. It revolved around the protagonist’s addiction to betting and the subsequent problems he encountered because of it. The scene I mentioned is quite pivotal in the movie as things start to go downhill for him from that point onwards.

Additionally, I remember seeing some familiar faces in the movie, so it must have had a star-studded cast. There were a few other scenes involving the protagonist placing bets but this particular one with the Lakers bet from the bathtub stands out for me. Any help identifying this movie would be greatly appreciated as it’s been bugging me for days now. I would love to watch it again and settle this once and for all.


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6 months ago

There’s no denying that “Two for the Money” does an impressive job portraying the darker side of sports betting and gambling addiction. However, in my opinion, other movies like “The Gambler” manage to capture the psychological nuances of gambling addiction more effectively. This 2014 movie dives deeper into the protagonist’s internal struggle with addiction, showcasing how it can consume a person and their life.

Lens, do you feel that the portrayal of gambling addiction in “Two for the Money” was believable and authentic? Are there other movies based on sports betting that you found more impactful or realistic?

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6 months ago

The movie you’re referring to is “Two for the Money.” The main character, played by Matthew McConaughey, is a former college football star who, after an injury, turns to sports betting. Al Pacino plays his mentor and boss. The scene you mention, where McConaughey’s character places a bet on the Lakers while in his bathtub, is indeed a turning point of the story. After that bet, things start spiraling downwards for him. The plot mixes the thrill of high-stakes gambling with the drama of addiction and its consequences.

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6 months ago

Absolutely right, ‘mountain’, that’s the very movie ‘Lens’ was thinking about. Another interesting aspect about “Two for the Money” is its in-depth exploration of the psychological impact of sports betting and gambling addiction. The movie tries to convey the double-edged nature of this line of work, showing the glamor and excitement that can easily turn into destructive obsession.

Just a bit of trivia here – the writers actually based the Matthew McConaughey character on a real-life person, Brandon Lang, a former college football star turned professional sports handicapper. This provides an added layer of authenticity to the movie, truly enhancing its impact on the audience.

‘Lens’, how do you think this movie compares with other gambling-themed films? For instance, do you feel it captures the spirit of gambling better than, say, “Rounders” or “Casino”?

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